Third grade is a great year, where we are the leaders of the primary grades! We work on building study skills, as well as becoming independent learners. We will be growing in our love for Jesus as we learn new things and work together as a team every day.
3rd Grade Curriculum Topics
Religion – The Marks of the Church, the Sacraments, the Mass, and the kinds of prayers
Math – Multiplication and division, an understanding of fractions, and an understanding of perimeter and of area
Social Studies – Our communities and geography, the Native Americans, the early settlers, the Pioneers, our government, holidays, and the identification of many important people in history (120 minutes per week).
Science – Investigating questions, plants and animals, water and weather, the Earth, magnets, and simple and compound machines (150 minutes per week).
Reading – Using higher level thinking skills, such as inferences, other comprehension skills, vocabulary, and phonics skills within the reading book, while becoming more fluent readers, through oral readings
Writing – Learning to form better sentences, to lead to better paragraphs, and to improve in grammar through reading and writing
Spelling – Spelling becomes more difficult in third grade, including words with different letters that make the same sound (such as e, ea, ee) or the same letters that have different sounds.
Handwriting – Continue to improve cursive